2013 October: NMRA Convention (Meriden) Public day part 2 (19 images)
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1 of 19: Steam as well as Diesel
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2 of 19: The Power Station
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3 of 19: Manifest freight at Solent Summit
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4 of 19: The 'Super Chief' runs past Dilithium Fuels
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5 of 19: The Power Station
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6 of 19: A Challenger rests at the mine
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7 of 19: Businesses at Solent Summit
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8 of 19: The station building at Solent Summit: a scratch-built card replica of that at Seligman, AZ
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9 of 19: Solent Summit also has its own railroad industries
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10 of 19: Trains in the storage yard
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11 of 19: Trains in the storage yard
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12 of 19: The Intermodal arrives back in a yard
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13 of 19: The Intermodal arrives back in a yard
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14 of 19: An empty coal train leaves the Power Station after delivering its load
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15 of 19: A Baldwin 'Sharknose' A-B-B-A set hauling box cars
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16 of 19: Chris' new corner module made its first appearence
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17 of 19: Alongside Water Street
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18 of 19: Water Street
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19 of 19: Water Street
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